天普大学创校的平等理念,至今日完全发挥得淋漓尽致。天普大学一直是Commonwealth System of Higher Education的成员,即是最佳的证明之一。此外,天普大学偏布全费城的五个校区,亦即是要提供各区学子方便就学的机会。天普大学均衡发展的十四个学院,亦以配合当前社会的走向趋势以及学术上的需求为目标。这十四个学院分别如下:
1. College of Arts and Science;
2. College of Education;
3. College of Engineering;
4. College of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance;
5. Esther Boyer College of Music;
6. College of Allied Health Professions;
7. Tyler School of Art;
8. School of Business and Management;
9. School of Communications and Theater;
10. School of Dentistry;
11. School of Medicine;
12. School of Pharmacy;
13. School of Social Administration,以及
14. School of Law。